Academic Research Study
GWHRA Members,
Our chapter is being invited to participate in a research project conducted by Dr. Andrea Hester (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville), Dr. Holly Hutchins (University of Houston), and Dr. Lisa Burke-Smalley (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga). They are looking to obtain a diverse sample over several roles and industries and would greatly appreciate our help. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
The research project is being conducted to assess the use of Web 2.0* tools to support learning transfer. Specifically, your voluntary participation is being requested to help better understand how Web 2.0 tools support the transfer of learned knowledge and skills on the job. To collect this data, you are asked to complete a Web-based survey consisting of both demographic and content-related questions concerning your knowledge of learning and training transfer.
At the end of the survey, you may enter your email address for a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. Upon completion of the study, the aggregate results (in summary form) will be available to participants upon request. You can access the survey either by clicking the link.
*For the purposes of this study, Web 2.0 refers to tools and applications on the Internet that allow you to interact and collaborate with others. Prior to Web 2.0, Internet users were restricted to only viewing content. Web 2.0 tools in many forms assists trainers and trainees in sharing content, and enabling communication and collaboration, to facilitate transfer from formal learning programs back to the job.
If you use any of these types of Web 2.0 tools, your help is greatly appreciated:
Blog/ Micro-blog; Social network / Professional network; Web conferencing / Video conferencing; Screen capture / Screen sharing; Voice chat / Instant messaging; Wiki; Shared workspace; File sharing / Synchronization; Social bookmarking; Video sharing; Presentation sharing; Podcast; Virtual world; Collaborative course authoring software; Course management system / e-Learning; MOOC platform
Contact information:
Andrea J. Hester, Ph.D.
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
School of Business, Dept. of Computer Management & Information Systems
(O) 618-650-3715