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    Grundy-Will HR Association Monthly Meeting (Virtual)

    Date: September 27, 2023, 7:45am – 9:15am
    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Meeting ID: 827 3621 2106
    Passcode: 832520
    Free For GWHRA Members; $15 non-members
    Event Type:
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    Jack Myers is a Public Affairs Specialist with the Social Security Administration.  He helps coordinate the public affairs activities of Social Security offices in the State of IL.  He has worked for Social Security for 23 years.  Jack is a Central IL native, and a graduate of Illinois State University.  


    1. Social Security online services including benefits of having a mySocialSecurity account.

    2. Options of when to start collecting Social Security retirement benefits.

    3. Earnings limits for working while receiving retirement benefits from Social Security.

    4. Brief description of Social Security disability and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits.

    5. Taxation of Social Security benefits.

    6. Medicare

      1. General description of the parts of Medicare

      2. Enrollment period information

      3. Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount

    7. Scam awareness