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    GWHRA - February Monthly Meeting - Virtual Event

    Date: February 22, 2023, 8:00am – 9:15am
    Grundy Will HRA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: GWHRA Monthly Chapter Meeting
    Time: Feb 22, 2023 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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    Meeting ID: 825 7720 0537
    Passcode: 514836
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    Meeting ID: 825 7720 0537
    Passcode: 514836
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    Engagement & Accountability in the Hybrid World:

    “But how do I KNOW they’re actually working?”  This is the question all managers and HR professionals are asking.  We know that hybrid and remote work aren't going anywhere.  It’s time we learn how to motivate, inspire, and empower those we serve so that we can increase engagement and accountability in the hybrid world.

    Join us on Wednesday, February 22nd, at 8:00am for a highly engaging, interactive, and energetic experience that will make your work easier.  Matthew D. AndersonLeadership CoachAuthor, and Award-Winning Artist, will share with us the single most important tool that led to him being named the International Business Awards’ Sales Manager of the Year in 2014.  He will also give us the opportunity to learn a simple tool that generates high-trust environments, or to have a conversation on how to positively enroll white folks into DEI initiatives.

    Please plan to be camera-on.  Matthew will be talking with us about engagement, and one way we all naturally monitor that in real-time is through visually observing those we are "sitting at the table with."