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    July- Virtual Meeting- Grundy Will County HR Association

    Date: July 29, 2020, 8:00am
    Virtual Meeting
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    Nearly 38,000 new unemployment claims were filed in Illinois last week, bringing the statewide total to 1.45 million claims since COVID-19 restrictions began in March. The 37,626 new claims are the lowest since March 16, but still on par with the past eight weeks. With new claims holding stubbornly high through half of the summer, pressure is still on the Illinois Department of Employment Security to keep up with the claims. Meanwhile, some employers are concerned that the generous jobless benefits make it hard for them to attract workers. There are anecdotal stories of companies trying to bring EE’s back to work and struggling to do so, suggesting that if federal jobless benefits are extended, it will lead to a slower return to full recruiting as usual.

    This month we are joined by the Illinois Department of Employment Security’s own Andrew Nicholos, Employment Security Field Office Supervisor. Andrew has a short presentation to share about steps employers can take to prevent and combat unemployment claims. Then, we’ll open it up for another big round of Q and A. I’m sure we have some burning questions out there so feel free to send them in beforehand to

    Topic: Grundy Will County HR Association

    Time: Jul 29, 2020 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


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