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    September 2013- Moving the Needle on Engagement: Building a High-Performance Culture of Engagement

    Date: September 25, 2013, 7:30am – 9:00am
    Julia Angevine
    Joliet Junior College
    1215 Hoboult
    Building T- Rm #1002
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    Regional Director for BlessingWhite.  Works with client organizations to develop strategies and execute programs in the areas of Employee Engagement, Organizational Culture & Values and Leadership Development.  BlessingWhite (a division of GP Strategies) is a global consulting and research organization committed to sharing our insights with the business community.

    Engaged employees not only plan to stick around; they are enthused and in gear to impact your bottom line. During difficult times their energy and effort can help your organization survive, even thrive and during times of growth, their passion and performance will drive your organization higher.

    In a very practical sense, Engagement reflects alignment of each employee’s very personal goals and drivers of job satisfaction with the organization’s strategy and contribution requirements.  However, to achieve this state of alignment, the Individual, the Manager and Senior Leadership must all assume responsibility and make Engagement a daily priority – not an activity that happens at survey time or a conversation that takes place during an annual review.  This session will:

                    -  Identify six steps for creating a culture of Engagement

                    -  Discuss ways to prepare your leaders to fulfill their role as Engagement “Champions” and cascade the strategy throughout the organization

                    -  Provide strategies to avoid five common pitfalls