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    August Chapter Meeting-From Soldier to Supervisor – Human Resources's Role in Helping Veterans Transition into Corporate America

    Date: August 28, 2013, 7:30am – 9:00am
    Susan Avello and Sabrina Baker
    Joliet Junior College
    1215 Hoboult
    Building T- Rm #1002
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    With more than one million military personnel expected to transition to civilian life in the next few years the job market is bound to be flooded with candidates whose experience is heavily military based. Unfortunately, veteran candidates are among some of the most overlooked and misunderstood. Human Resource professionals struggle to translate military experience into qualifications they need to fill open roles in their organization. Further, veteran candidates struggle to explain how what they experienced in the military will help them do the job at hand. The end result is frustrated companies who want to extend their hiring to veteran candidates but cannot seem to find what they need for the business and frustrated veteran candidates who know they have the qualifications but cannot seem to get their point across.

    In this hour long presentation, Sabrina Baker and Susan Avello will discuss human resources role in helping veteran candidates transition from soldier to supervisor – or whatever open role fits their background.

    Key Learnings:

    § Attendees will understand how to manage perceptions regarding veteran candidates including an in-depth discussion on the realities of PTSD

    § Attendees will be given numerous resources for translating and understanding military experience

    § Attendees will be given ideas suitable for creating, implementing and accessing a veteran hiring program


    Veteran candidates bring highly sought after skills to our workplaces. As more and more enter the candidate pool the need for human resources to effectively assess those skills and find an appropriate fit will become of increasing importance.