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    March 2013 - Chapter Meeting- Flank it with Attitude

    Date: March 27, 2013, 7:30am – 9:00am
    Lieutenant Commander Chip Lutz
    Joliet Junior College
    1215 Hoboult
    Building T- Rm #1002
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    Attitude dictates performance and team members can overcome any obstacle if they know how to flank it in a positive manner. This fun, energetic program leaves covers 7 attitudes for success and will leave them with the tools to stay positive, get along, and get the job done – each and every time.

    Specifically, your team will:

    - Learn easily actionable strategies to deal with stress

    - Understand the biology of emotions and how simple interactions impact team performance

    - Develop an action plan for making Rapid Mental Adjustments (RMAs) to maintain the right attitude for maximum performance

    - Appreciate using humor as a tool enhance personal and team performance