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    August Meeting- The Winning Team

    Date: August 27, 2014, 7:30am – 9:00am
    Chip Lutz
    Joliet Junior College,
    T-Building, Room-1001
    Event Type:
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    Calling all Leaders! Are you an HR Team Lead, sit on a Board for SHRM or in charge of a crew of volunteers? Then this session is for you. Everyone wants to be on a winning team.  Why?  Because everyone wants to be a winner!  This program helps leaders understand how to build, motivate, and keep a team running at it’s optimum potential and also what to breathe life into that legacy team.  Success is a multiplier!  Set your team up today!

    Specifically, we'll hit:

    - What constitutes a winning team and how to build it.

    - How to motivate that team using B.F. Skinner's theories for behavioral change

    - What constitutes rewards for any team and how to do it on little to no budget